Police Officer: Police Department, report your emergency.
Caller: Help me, I’m bleeding!
Police Officer: Listen, I need you to come down. The ambulance will be soon on its way, just tell me where you are and describe what happened.
Caller: I’m outside the department store at Fairway Avenue. I’ve just been attacked by some young, tall man, who shot me in the leg and took my bag.
Police officer: It’s going to be all right, I’m sending the ambulance and police right to you. Are you safe? Is the attacker nearby?
Caller: I think I’m safe. No, the robber is already gone.
Police officer: Stay where you and try to compress the bleeding area. Start wrapping a piece of clothing above your wound and then do the same below that place.
Caller: Ok, I’m doing it. The bleeding’s stopped now.
Police officer: Good. Finally, please give me your full name.
Caller: My name’s Alice Corck.
Police officer: Thank you, Alice. Can you see the ambulance or the police arriving?
Caller: Yes, they’re coming.
Police Officer: Great. Alice, now they’re going to help you. I’ll be ending your call. Take care, Alice.
Caller: Ok, thank you so much.
Glossary - słownictwo
to report one’s emergency – zgłosić swój problem ( na policję, pogotowie, straż )
to come down – uspokoić się
an attacker – napastnik
nearby – w okolicy
a robber – rabuś, napastnik
to compress the bleeding area – zatamować krwawienie
to wrap something – owinąć coś
a piece of clothing – fragment odzieży
above – nad
a wound – rana
below – pod
to arrive – przybyć, przyjechać