La la land is a movie created by a brilliant film director, Damien Chazelle. The audience could see this film on a big screen for the first time in August 2016. La la land has become a definite blockbuster thanks to a brilliant soundtrack, an amazing plot and great costumes.
La la land tells a story about two artists: a gifted musician, Sebastian (played by Ryan Gosling) and a talented actress, Mia (featured by Emma Stone). In spite of being true artists, the main characters have some financial problems and dream about changing their lives. Sebastian, who composes his own music, wants to open a jazz club. Mia, who works in a coffee shop, sets her heart on becoming a well-known Hollywood actress. La la land really makes you think! Apart from a love story, the movie presents the reality of pursuing one’s dreams and captures the spirit of ’’old Hollywood”. If you want to find out if Sebastian and Mia finally make their dreams come true, you must see this incredible film!
Glossary - słownictwo
brilliant - niesamowity
a film director - reżyser filmowy
audience - widownia
definite - definitywny
a blockbuster - przebój kinowy/kasowy
a soundtrack - ścieżka dźwiękowa
a plot - fabuła
featured by… - grana przez…
in spite of - pomimo
to set one’s heart on doing something - dołożyć wszelkich starań, żeby coś osiągnąć
well-known - dobrze znana
to pursue one’s dreams - podążać za marzeniami
to capture the spirit of “old Hollywood” - przywołać ducha/atmosferę “starego Hollywood”
to find out - dowiedzieć się
to make one’s dreams come true - spełnić swoje marzenia
incredible - niesamowity