Zwiedziłeś(-aś) wystawę fotograficzną, która dotyczyła problemu zaśmiecania środowiska naturalnego plastikiem. Napisz artykuł na temat tej wystawy. W swoim artykule opisz zdjęcie z wystawy, które wywarło na Tobie największe wrażenie, i wyraź swoją opinię na temat skuteczności takich wystaw w walce z tym problemem.
Do you happen to know someone who lives in a house with trash cramming all over? Surprise, it is you and me. Well, it is enough to look around and notice plenty of plastic bags abandoned in the woods or cans dumped into rivers. The woods, rivers are our home, and it is time we protested against dropping litter.
I learnt myself that one photo can convey a powerful meaning when last month I visited a photo exhibition, dedicated to the environment protection. The event took place in my school and was organized by the students from a photography club. At the beginning, the school principal greeted the visitors. Then a few of my classmates sang “We Are The World” by Michael Jackson. After that, there was time for reflecting upon the photos. All of them showed places full of pilling trash and were framed in plastic. For me, the most disturbing photo was the one with dead fish floating among plastic bottles in the river. When I saw it, I felt disappointed with the humankind.
To sum up, the photo exhibition I went to was really moving, as it presented real examples of the environment deprivation caused by people. The exhibited photographs were taken by my schoolmates, which makes me believe that young people crave a real change. Finally, I must say that the photo of the dead fish is still in my mind. Since I saw it, I’ve felt a strong need to join some environmental activists.
Glossary - słownictwo
trash - śmieci
cramming - gromadzące się
dumped - wyrzucone
abandoned - porzucone
the woods - las
dropping litter - wyrzucanie śmieci
a photo exhibition - wystawa fotografii
framed - włożone w ramę
disturbing - poruszający, przerażający
exhibited - wystawiony, przedstawiony
humankind - ludzkość, rodzaj ludzki