Bieganie stało się bardzo popularne wśród osób dbających o swoją kondycję. Napisz artykuł, w którym omówisz przyczyny popularności tej formy aktywności fizycznej i zrelacjonujesz ciekawą imprezę dla biegaczy, w której brałeś(-aś) udział.
Let’s think of one sport with only one rule to follow. What is it? Running. It seems to be one of the oldest human activities, and nowadays it is becoming popular among various people thanks to a few factors: its mentioned simplicity, affordability and social aspect.
Firstly, running does not require to comprehend complex rules, and even toddlers understand the idea of running. Whenever one feels like running, it is enough to make your legs move at a certain speed. Although there are lots of fancy sports shoes out there, it is still possible to put on old trainers to run, which makes running a cheap sport. Moreover, it is also great for socializing, as you can join other runners to make yourself new friends. Speaking of which, last month I participated in a great event called “10Run”, which took place in London. The basic idea was to gather together people who prefer to run with others and start new friendships. Each participant was supposed to donate 10 dollars for disabled people and was given a map with the marked running route. I did enjoy running with a new group of people and now I meet with them regularly.
All in all, I hope that some of my readers feel encouraged to start running. It is a simple, cheap sport, which helps you to make new friends. Moreover, I highly recommend taking part in any marathon, for it gives you great memories and an opportunity to meet other runners.
Glossary - słownictwo
factors - czynniki
among - pomiędzy
various - różny
simplicity - prostota
affordability - dostęność, przystępność
to comprehend - rozumieć
toddlers - kilkulatkowie
to gather - zgromadzić
to donate - wspomóc, wesprzeć ( np. finansowo )
disabled people - niepełnosprawni ludzie