Coraz więcej firm umożliwia swoim pracownikom wykonywanie pracy zawodowej w domu, zamiast w siedzibie firmy. Napisz rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz wady i zalety takiego rozwiązania.
Tired of leaving for work every day? Well, nowadays you can be given a chance to work from home. Although it sounds completely revolutionary, this way of earning money is gaining its popularity worldwide. There are various factors regarding remote work and its time someone pointed out its pros and cons.
To begin with, when one has a remote job, they can avoid commuting. Thanks to that lots of time and money can be saved each month. Moreover, working from home gives a chance to cooperate with companies based in different countries with no necessity to relocate. Whenever a worker has Internet connection, there is no need to move overseas in order to get a rewarding job. However, there is a likelihood that employees who have remote jobs may experience psychological issues. Such people can miss socializing with workmates on a daily basis. In addition, organizing your work at home happens to be overwhelming. Due to that, it does not take much to get distracted by one’s offspring, spouse or TV playing in the background.
To sum up, working from home is a complex issue. It helps employees avoid getting stuck in a traffic jam on their way to work and save money which otherwise would be spent on petrol. What is more, thanks to working remotely one may work for a company located overseas without changing a home address. The great disadvantages of a remote job are being left without coworkers as well as struggling to remain an efficient worker.
Glossary - słownictwo
revolutionary - rewolucyjny, innowacyjny
to gain popularity - zyskać popularność
worldwide - na całym świecie
pros - zalety
cons - wady
a remote job -
overseas - w innym kraju
a rewarding job - atrakcyjna, ciekawa praca
on a daily basis - każdego dnia
offspring - potomstwo, dzieci
a spouse - małżonek