Przykładowa rozprawka po angielsku - matura rozszerzona 2018

Coraz częściej pojawiają się propozycje wprowadzenia zakazu wjazdu samochodów do centrów miast. Napisz rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz dobre i złe strony wprowadzenia takiego zakazu.

What does a city center look like? It is full of movie theatres, shopping malls, restaurants and … Cars. The issue of banning them from the city center has become a widely discussed topic. Let’s reflect upon its pros and cons.

Firstly, thanks to making city centers car-free zones,  it is possible to provide people with cleaner air. There is no doubt that cars are infamous for emitting harmful gasses, and  if authorities do not allow for driving in city centers, those areas will be less polluted. Another advantage of banning cars from city centers is that people may become more physically active. In accordance with that,  everybody has  to walk more when there is no chance to drive .

On the other hand, by banning cars from city centers lives of families with children or elderly people may become more complicated. There are many kindergartens, schools or hospitals in city centers, and it appears that people prefer to park right outside them. In addition, when such a restriction is introduced, there is no money left in parking meters located in city centers. As a result, there are fewer public resources.

All in all, there seems to be no single answer whether banning cars from city centers is a move into right direction. Thanks to it, people can breathe fresh air and walk more. However, such a limitation can complicate every-day life of parents  as well as old people and make it impossible to gain money from parking meters.

Glossary - słownictwo

pros - zalety

cons - wady

authorities - władze

hamful - szkodliwy

a zone - strefa

polluted - zanieczyszczony

a parking meter - parkomat

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