Description of my friend
Let me tell you about my best friend Sarah, whom I've know since my childhood.
Sarah is in her twenties and graduated from the same high school I go to two years ago. She's tall and slim as she does lots of swimming and running. Sarah's got shiny, shoulder-length, straight, blond hair and tantalizing blue eyes. Thanks to that, she's always been popular among boys. That's odd she should have some complexes, especially about her freckles. What's more, Sarah's got poor eyesight and wears contact lenses. She keeps saying that wearing glasses would be a true punishment for her!
My friend's really ambitious and always sets herself high standards. I've heard that she's one of the best students at her university. Sarah's planning to become a vet and she's an animal activist. Although Sarah is both - pretty and clever, she doesn't look down on people. She's really friendly and funny. Even if I'm low, she can make me smile.
I hope that you also have a real friend who supports you and stand by you no matter what.
Glossary - słownictwo
to be in one's twenties - mieć dwadzieścia kilka lat
to graduate from ... - ukończyć ...
shoulder-length - do ramion
tantalizing - urzekające
odd - dziwne
complexes - kompleksy
freckles - piegi
poor eyesight - problem ze wzrokiem
contact lenses - szkła kontaktowe
punishment - kara
to set yourself high standard - wiele wymagać od siebie
to look down on people - gardzić ludźmi, wywyższać się
to support - wspierać