Dialog - zameldowanie się w hotelu po angielsku

Receptionist: Welcome to our hotel. What can I help you with?

Guest: Hello, I’ve got a reservation in the name of Mark Rogers and here’s my ID.

Receptionist: Thank you. Let me pull it upIt seems that you’ve reserved  a single room for three nights. Is that correct?

Guest: Yes, that’s right. I’ve already paid a deposit on the first night.

Receptionist: Let me check it. All right, I’ve found the record of your transaction. Now you need to pay 120$ for the remaining two nights.

Guest: Of course. Can I pay by credit card?

Receptionist: Yes, you can pay either in cash or by credit card.

Please, enter your pin.

Guest: Is everything fine with my payment?

Receptionist: Well, it’s being processed…Ok, it’s been accepted. Before I give you the key to your room, please, fill in the form.

Guest: No problem.

Receptionist: Thank you very much. You’re going to stay in room number 349. It’s on the third floor, on the left side.

Guest: Perfect. Where’s the elevator?

Receptionist: It’s right over there. Anything else?

Guest: No, I’m fine. Thank you.

Receptionist: You’re welcome. Enjoy your stay.


Welcome to - Witaj w …

 I’ve got a reservation in the name of… - Mam rezerwację na imię…

Here’s my ID - Oto mój dowód tożsamości.

Let me pull it up - Pozwól, że odnajdę (rezerwację).

It seems that… - Wygląda na to, że…

to pay a deposit on… - Wpłacić zaliczkę za…

remaining - pozostałe

to pay by credit card - płacić kartą kredytową

to pay either in cash or by credit card - płacić albo gotówką albo kartą kredytową

enter your pin - wprowadź pin

payment - płatność

It’s being processed. - Jest przetwarzana/przetwarzane.

to fill in the form - wypełnić formularz

on the third floor - na trzecim piętrze

 on the left side - po lewej stronie

an elevator - winda

It’s right over there. - Jest tam

You’re welcome. – Nie ma za co./Proszę bardzo.

Enjoy your stay. – Miłego pobytu.

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