Dear Amy,
Thanks for checking out and asking me that question in your comment.
First, let me briefly describe the problem you're facing.
Amy is fifteen and she's not sure if she should go on a school trip to Prague. She loves traveling, but her best friend's parents can't afford to pay for this trip, and Amy doesn't want to let her friend down.
Well, I get it that you, Amy, want to be loyal to your friend, and you don't want to hurt her feelings. On the other hand, you shouldn't miss such a chance to visit Prague. I think that the best option would be to help your friend's parents pay for the trip, so that you could both go there. However, if I were you, I wouldn't tell the other classmates about this problem, because it could be embarassing and humililating for your friend. The best option seems to be telling your parents and the form teacher. I'm sure they'll find a way to collect enough money for your friend.
Hope I helped you a little bit.
Glossary - słownictwo
briefly - krótko
to face a problem - mierzyć się z problemem
to afford something - móc sobie na coś pozwolić ( mieć wystarczająco dużo pieniędzy )
Prague - Praga
embarassing - zawstydzające
humiliating - upokarzające
a form teacher - wychowawca klasy