Przykładowe sprawozdanie z wydarzenia po angielsku

As a senior in high school I was given a pleasure to participate in the graduation  ceremony, which is to be described below.

The graduation ceremony took place in June 2018, and it was organized by the school principal in cooperation with the graduates' parents. That event started at 5 pm in the local culture center in Nizina Wielka, Poland. At the beginning, all the visitors were greeted by the school principal, and everybody sang the Polish national anthem. Next, the awards were distributed to the students with the highest learning scores. Those awards included: mp3-Players and books. After that, all of the graduates were handed in their school certificates by their educators. That part was followed by a dancing show, given by some of the high school students. Finally, the school principal thanked everybody for taking part in the event. The ceremony finished at 7 pm.
To sum up, I participated in the high school graduation ceremony as a graduate myself. The event lasted two hours and was divided into a few parts: welcoming people, awarding the best students, distributing the school certificates, entertaining the visitors and saying goodbye to them.

Glossary - słownictwo

a senior - uczeń ostatniego roku 
a graduation ceremony - uroczystość ukończenia szkoły
a graduate - absolwent szkoły
a principal - dyrektor szkoły
to greet somebody - powitać kogoś
an anthem - hymn
an award - nagroda
distributed - rozdane, wręczone
an educator - wychowawca klasy 
a school certificate - świadectwo szkolne

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• 2025-03-10 15:14:41
bardzo to działanie łatwe
• 2025-03-03 13:00:02
Jest nad czym myśleć. PEŁEN POZYTYW.
• 2025-03-02 12:32:53
pozdro mika
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