Wyobraź sobie, że przeczytałeś(-aś) w gazecie ogłoszenie o naborze do programu telewizyjnego Back in Time, którego uczestnicy będą żyli przez tydzień w realiach typowych dla wybranego przez siebie okresu historycznego. Napisz list, w którym zgłosisz swoją kandydaturę do udziału w tym programie. W swoim liście:
• napisz, w jakim okresie historycznym chciałbyś/chciałabyś się znaleźć i dlaczego
• wyjaśnij, co byłoby dla Ciebie największym wyzwaniem, gdyby Cię zakwalifikowano do tego programu
• wyraź opinię na temat atrakcyjności takiego programu dla widzów.
Dear Back in Time Team,
I am writing in response to your announcement posted in the newspaper about producing the new TV show.
Firstly, let me tell you that I find this idea highly fascinating, and I've never heard about a similar concept. It may gain wide popularity among viewers withing a relatively short period of time.
Frankly speaking, I would dream to become a part of this project and appear in your show. The good news is that I already know which historical period I would rather select, and that would be Medieval Times.
You may wonder why I chose this period in history, and there is a reasonable explenation for that. I do believe that it would be wonderful to experience the life in the era of kings, knights and chivalry. The reality of Medieval Times differed greatly from our modern lifestyle, and due to that reliving those times can be a life-time adventure for me. In accordance with that, I would like to learn about daily routines practised by people centuries ago, and test my abilities to adapt to extremely different environment.
However, I assume that being kept away from my cell phone might be difficult to deal with. I am a typical teenager who likes being in touch with my family and friends, uploading photos on my social media profile or listening to music online.
Finally, I would like to assure you that viewers are going to be interested in watching the show with me, as there are not many resources regarding Medieval Times. What is more, there is a great likelihood that tennagers would become interested in history watching their peer. Many of them would identify with me and learn about Medieval Times along the way.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
in response to - w odpowiedzi na
an announcement - ogłoszenie
viewers - widzowie
Medieval Times - średniowiecze
chivalry - rycerstwo
to assure - zapewnić kogoś o czymś