Esej po angielsku - przykład

Czy nauka w polskiej szkole powinna być płatna?

How much would you pay for your Math lesson at school? You had better think about, because the era of free education in Poland may end sooner or later. This controversial change may help provide students with engaging classes , offer them a chance to be taught by inspiring teachers and  make them sustain their motivation for studying.

Firstly, whenever school fees are administered,  lessons become more interesting for learners. For example, taking a school trip to the palm house is likely to engage students in a better way than discussing plants types during a lesson at school. However, some people believe that those activities can be occasionally sponsored by parents with no need to introduce school fees.  Still, it seems more practical to administer a monthly payment without asking for money each time it is needed.

Secondly, nowadays teachers earn next to nothing, which often makes them leave schools. Were all schools to administer fees, teachers’ salaries would rise, and more people would decide to become educators. However, there are opinions that giving teachers pay-rises is not reasonable, because being a teacher is a mission, which requires sacrifices. Such an attitude seems difficult to comprehend, since teachers are no war heroes, and they need resources to live.

Finally, when students are provided with free education, they do not value it. Hardly ever does a student feel that they already lost money by failing a test. On the contrary, there are voices that administering school fees would change nothing, for payments would not be made by students. Indeed, there would be parents paying school fees, but they would be able to punish their children for not making progress. Clearly, students may feel the need to pass their exams with flying colors not to get grounded.

To sum up, making people pay for their children’s education might be beneficial. Thanks to that  classes are likely to become more interesting, teachers can stay passion about learning, and students may turn out to be diligent learners.  No matter how much complex topic it is, it is time the change took place.

Glossary - słownictwo

sustain - utrzymać, zachować

to administer fees - ustanowić opłaty

school fees - opłaty za naukę w szkole

a salary - wypłata ( otrzymywana co miesiąc )

to give a pay-rise - dać podwyżkę płacy

to require - wymagać, wiązać się z czymś

a sacrifice - poświęcenie

an attitude - postawa życiowa

to comprehend - zrozumieć 

resources - środki ( np. środki finansowe do życia )

to value - cenić

to fail a test - oblać test

to pass with flying colors - zdać śpiewająco

to get grounded - zostać "uziemionym"

diligent - pilny

beneficial - korzystne

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