To start with, since the Internet came to life, staying in touch with people has simplified. Nowadays there is no need to write letters, call, or text others, while you can use any online chat or applications like Skype. Not only can you talk to people you know, but thanks to the Internet you can make new friends. It is due to the fact that there are plenty of users looking for a company. Although you meet people in the virtual reality, there is still a possibility to continue your relationship in the real life. Who knows, your today’s cyber pal may be your future best friend or a spouse.
In addition, the Internet enables people to learn or work in an easy way. Apart from using online dictionaries, or encyclopedias, anybody can take an online course launched by prestigious colleges. These courses are often free of charge and they are created by well-recognized experts. When it comes to working in the Internet era, working remotely has become a popular way of earning money. In accordance with that, now it is possible to live in Europe and work for an Asian company. There is no longer a dilemma whether to leave your country and have a well-paid job or to stay and make next to nothing.
Finally, entertaining yourself has never been easier as it is now. There are numerous of websites with movies, games or music, which give you a chance to relax no matter what time it is. The great advantage of Internet is that its users can access it round-the-clock. Whenever you have a spare moment, you can watch a movie of your choosing or listen to your favorite song. However, the important thing is to make sure that using any of online resources is legal and will not cause you any trouble.
To sum up, the Internet appears to be the most useful invention. It helps to talk with people and make new friends or even find the love of your life. Moreover, thank to the Internet people can educate themselves, work for foreign companies and have unlimited access to entertainment.
Glossary - słownictwo
an innovation – innowacja ( wynalazek )
to emerge – pojawić się
to revolutionize – zrewolucjonizować
to beat – pokonać
to simplify – uprościć
to text somebody – wysyłać komuś sms’y
plenty of people – wielu ludzi
the virtual reality – wirtualna rzeczywistoś
a cyber pal – przyjaciel z Internetu
a spouse – małżonek
to enable somebody to do something – umożliwić komuś zrobienie czegoś
to launch – wypuścić ( np. na rynek )
well-recognized – znany, rozpoznawany
to work remotely – pracować zdalnie
a dilemma – dylemat
rock-the-clock – 24/7
a foreign country – obcy kraj
unlimited access – nielimitowany dostęp