Przykład odpowiedzi na pytanie - What do you use your mobine phone for?

Przykład odpowiedzi na pytanie - What do you use your mobine phone for?

Let me start by saying that I’m so glad I have my own cell phone and I use it pretty much every day for different purposes.

   First of all, I use my cell phone to stay in touch with family and friends. Not only do I call or text them, but I also talk to them via Skype or messenger. Recently I’ve even managed to talk my grandma into using Skype instead of calling me, and thanks to this application she can simply save money. What’s more, I can’t imagine my life without watching movies or listening to music on my phone, so it can be said that a cell phone is a source of entertainment for me too.  It’s so convenient a situation when you’re stuck in a traffic jam, and you can watch a film on your phone  to kill the time, isn’t it? Of course, my phone gives me a chance to get high grades at school. The cell phone comes in handy, especially when you are in need of finding information to complete a written assignment. There are plenty of encyclopedia available online to use! Well, it’s no secret that I’m a little absent-minded, and thanks to the cell phone, I organize my time and keep track of the tasks I have to do.  According with that, I like the fact that now we can all use an alarm clock, a calendar, an organizer, which are all in our own phones.  Finally, when summer comes, I  take my phone to make travel arrangements for my family so that we can spend lovely holidays together.

   To sum up,  my cell phone helps me a lot in every-day life.  Thank to this little device, I can communicate with family and friends, entertain myself, do  homework, as well as organize my day and plan family vacations. Clearly, my life would be a way more difficult if a cell phone had never been invented.


glad - wdzięczny, zadowolony

a cell / mobile phone - telefon komórkowy

a purpose - cel

to manage to do something - dać radę coś osiągnać, zrobić

to talk somebody into doing something - namówić kogoś na zrobienie czegoś

instead of - zamiast

a source of entertainment - źródło rozrywki

to kill the time - zabić czas

to be stuck in a traffic jam - utknąć w korku ulicznym

high grades - wysokie oceny

absent-minded - roztargniony

to come in handy - przydać się

a written assignment - zadanie pisemne

a device - urządzenie

travel arrangements - sprawy związane z podróżą ( dojazd, nocleg itp. )

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