Przykład opowiadania w czasie przeszłym

Let me tell you about the time when I went to a concert with my best friends: Judy, Mike and Steve.

I'll begin by saying that it wan't just some concert, but it was Ed Sheeran's concert! I may be the biggest fan of him, and it was supposed to be the best experience in my life. Unfortunately, a couple of things did not go well.

The gig took place two years ago during my summer holidays in London. Since me and my friends live far away from London, we had to drive there for about five hours. I'd made all the prepoaration before the trip: I'd prepared some sandwiches, bought lots of mineral water and made sure that all the essentials, like bandages and pain killers were inside the first aid kit. We had to face the first obstacle still on our way to London. Suddenly, the car slowed down and it became clear that we had a flat tyre. There was no other choice but to pull off and change the wheel. Luckily, Steve managed to do it without a problem. After a few more hours we reached London and joined the long line before the stadium entrance. While waiting in the queue, I started talking to one girl, who turned out to be Polish. Her name was Ula, she was an eighteen-years-old-student from Cracow, and we hit it off immediately! Unfortunately, our conversation was interrupted by the news about Ed Sheeran's cancelled flight. They hadn't informed earlier as there had still been some hope that Ed would make it on time.  Everybody was disappointed, and I couldn't believe that it was happening for real. Luckily, Ula suggested meeting at the flat she was renting and throwing out a little party. It was a wonderful idea! We organized karaoke and sang Ed Sheeran's songs to have our private concert.

After all, I met a great person, Ula, and now we're planning a trip to Poland. She promides to show me the best places in her country and I can't wait to visit Poland.

Glossary - słownictwo

a gig - koncert muzyki rozrywkowej

essentails - niezbędne rzeczy

a first aid kit - zestaw pierwszej pomocy ( apteczka )

an obstacle - przeszkoda

to pull off - zatrzymać samochód

to hit it off - polubić się 

cancelled - odwołany

to throw a party - urządzić przyjęcie

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• 2025-03-10 15:14:41
bardzo to działanie łatwe
• 2025-03-03 13:00:02
Jest nad czym myśleć. PEŁEN POZYTYW.
• 2025-03-02 12:32:53
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